I help organizations to understand today’s challenges and opportunities and design a better tomorrow, together.

I am a freelance design consultant who works with organizations, communities, teams and other consultants to co-create positive impact. I use a human-centred, systemic design approach with a futures lens.

Rooted in many years of experience in the private, public and non-profit sectors, I work together with people to find solutions and build capabilities, whatever the challenge.

how I can help

  • Helping organizations to create stellar experiences in the service journeys of their users for greater results.

    Engaging users and stakeholders, I support service modelling, user needs discovery, persona creation, service journey mapping, business process design, opportunity mapping, prototyping and testing, and more.

  • Designing and delivering impactful, and collaborative sessions with diverse participants to deliver powerful outcomes.

    I co-create and facilitate dynamic experiences such as workshops, public and community engagement and capacity building sessions, both online and in person.

  • Understanding and articulating learnings through human-centred design, to spark innovation and implementation..

    With a focus on users, I uncover insights through design research and impact evaluation. I make sense of the learnings to create and share compelling products including insightful reports, actionable tools and project stories.

  • Co-developing strategic purpose and plans with groups and using strategic foresight methods to support future-focused direction, decision-making and innovation capabilities.

    I support groups to build alignment, to develop strategies and business models, and to better anticipate the future through exploring trends, scenarios and options.

Client Perspectives